West Virginia Toll Payments

NOTICE! If you received a text message or other alert about an unpaid toll, it may be a scam. Learn more.
A West Virginia welcome sign

Need To Make A Payment?

There is one government agency and one private agency handling tolls in the state of West Virginia.

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West Virginia's Primary Transportation Agency

West Virginia Department of TransportationWest Virginia Department of Transportation

Often called WVDOT.

Mailing Address

West Virginia Department of Transportation

Building 5 • 1900 Kanawha Boulevard E

Charleston, West Virginia 25305

Toll Payments

West Virginia Department of Transportation does not directly handle payments.

See one of the agencies below.


West Virginia's Single Government Agency

There is one government agency and one private agency handling tolls in the state of West Virginia.

West Virginia Parkways AuthorityWest Virginia Parkways Authority

Often called WV Parkways Authority.

Toll Payments With A Notice

If you received a notice or violation, select 'Pay Tolls' to pay tolls online or find other payment options. Complete agency contact information will also be shown.

Pay TollsTransponders

Mailing Address

West Virginia Parkways Authority

P.O. Box 1469

Charleston, West Virginia 25325

Accepted Payments While Traveling

Accepted payments taken on each road managed by West Virginia Parkways Authority.

West Virginia Parkways Authority Toll Facilities







West Virginia Turnpike

Facilities At-A-Glance

West Virginia Parkways Authority handles payments for these roads:

West Virginia Turnpike.

West Virginia Has One Private Toll Agency

Parkersburg Bridge PartnersParkersburg Bridge Partners

Often called Parkersburg Bridge.

Toll Payments With A Notice

If you received a notice or violation, select 'Pay Tolls' to pay tolls online or find other payment options. Complete agency contact information will also be shown.

Pay TollsTransponders

Mailing Address

Parkersburg Bridge Partners

2001 Garfield Avenue

Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101

Accepted Payments While Traveling

Accepted payments taken on each road managed by Parkersburg Bridge Partners.

Parkersburg Bridge Partners Toll Facilities







Memorial Bridge

Facilities At-A-Glance

Parkersburg Bridge Partners handles payments for these roads:

Memorial Bridge.

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