7:51 am Local Time
Mostly Sunny
19°F / -7°C
Feels Like:
22°F / -5.5°C
11 Mi / 17.7 Km
3-Hour Precip:
0 In / 0.0 Cm
North Northwest
Winds (NNW)
2.2 MPH / 3.6 KPH
5 MPH / 8.1 KPH
Forecast weather and driving conditions follow the jump. These include an hour-by-hour forecast for the next 12-hours, a three-day forecast and an extended forecast, for extended travel planning.
An area traffic map, with available traffic cameras, shows driving conditions, from current traffic to mother nature's influence on the road. These follow the short-range forecasts below.
Thursday forecast: Mostly sunny and not as cold
Mostly Sunny
0% Chance Rain
40° F/4.4° C
NW Wind
5 to 8 Mi/
7 to 13 Km
7:14 AM
Thursday night: Mostly sunny and not as cold
0% Chance Rain
15° F/-9.4° C
NNW Wind
4 to 5 Mi/
6 to 7 Km
4:25 PM
Friday forecast: Sun and areas of high clouds
Intermittent Clouds
0% Chance Rain
40° F/4.4° C
WSW Wind
6 to 10 Mi/
9 to 17 Km
7:14 AM
Friday night: Sun and areas of high clouds
Mostly Cloudy
0% Chance Rain
28° F/-2.2° C
WSW Wind
5 to 7 Mi/
7 to 11 Km
4:26 PM
Saturday forecast: Low clouds with mist in the afternoon
40% Chance Rain
43° F/6.1° C
SSW Wind
4 to 6 Mi/
6 to 9 Km
7:14 AM
Saturday night: Low clouds with mist in the afternoon
55% Chance Rain
38° F/3.3° C
SSW Wind
4 to 9 Mi/
6 to 15 Km
4:27 PM
Pan and zoom the map as you desire. Select cameras to see on-road traffic feeds; pick exits and other markers for conditions at those locations.
Journey to key destinations around and adjacent to Connecticut!
Communities in this metro area include New Haven, Bridgeport, Darien, Greenwich, Stamford, and Port Chester, New York.
Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.
Communities in this metro area include Springfield, West Springfield, Chicopee, Westfield, and Hartford, Connecticut.
Individual toll maps for this region are listed below.