▸ January 13, 2025
Video date: January 13, 2025
In this video: Cashless tolling is in full swing on the toll bridges of the Greater Philadelphia area; meanwhile it is unclear the full impact of New York's new congestion pricing, and we detail the real cost to truckers due to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
Full description: The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore could cost the trucking industry nearly a half-billion dollars over the next five years, according to a university report. Meanwhile, pre-construction activity for a new bridge in Baltimore's harbor starts this month. Cashless tolling has started on the last of the bridges operated by the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission in the greater Philadelphia and Trenton areas. And what is the early read on the impact of congestion tolling in Manhattan? We'll have a bit of insight from a couple of sources. Danny Pryor reports for Turnpikes.com.
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