Kansas Toll Payments

NOTICE! If you received a text message or other alert about an unpaid toll, it may be a scam. Learn more.
A Kansas welcome sign

Need To Make A Payment?

A single government agency handles tolls in Kansas.

View AgencyGet Or Manage K-Tag

Kansas' Primary Transportation Agency

Kansas Department of TransportationKansas Department of Transportation

Often called KDOT.

Mailing Address

Kansas Department of Transportation

Dwight D. Eisenhower State Office Building • 700 S.W. Harrison Street

Topeka, Kansas 66603-3745

Toll Payments

Kansas Department of Transportation does not directly handle payments.

See one of the agencies below.


Kansas' Single Government Agency

A single government agency handles tolls in Kansas.

Kansas Turnpike AuthorityKansas Turnpike Authority

Often called KTA.

Toll Payments With A Notice

If you received a notice or violation, select 'Pay Tolls' to pay tolls online or find other payment options. Complete agency contact information will also be shown.

Pay TollsTransponders

Mailing Address

Kansas Turnpike Authority

9401 East Kellogg

Wichita, Kansas 67207

Accepted Payments While Traveling

Accepted payments taken on each road managed by Kansas Turnpike Authority.

Kansas Turnpike Authority Toll Facilities







Kansas Turnpike

Facilities At-A-Glance

Kansas Turnpike Authority handles payments for these roads:

Kansas Turnpike.

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