Freedom Pass is the main transponder/sticker pass issued in the State of Alabama.
There is only one agency issuing transponders in Alabama.
Begin with our guide to transponders and all-electronic tolling. Or view account types.
If you received a notice or violation, visit toll payments to pay the notice.
Information, Interoperability And Account Options
NOTICE: Links for account creation and account management will take you to the official agency website, in a new tab/window.
Customer Service Information
Phone: 205-752-2003
Mailing Address:
2220 Joe Mallisham Parkway • Tuscaloosa
Freedom Pass is issued by American Toll Roads, a private toll company, which has set up Alabama Freedom Pass for use on its roads in Tuscaloosa and Montgomery.
Unlike most other transponders, the Freedom Pass is a simple sticker only, with no option for a larger, portable transponder. The pass is also a small strip that affixes to the driver's side of the windshield only. This is unlike most other passes, which are typically placed in the center of the windshield.
In-Person Locations To Open, Manage Or Add Funds To Your Account
NOTICE: Telephone numbers are links, wherever possible, and tapping the link will call the number shown when on your phone.
Customer Call Centers
Main: 205-752-2003
Main: 334-290-2002
Main: 334-512-0380